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What is the point? January 26, 2009

Posted by L in Friends, General.
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Seriously? I mean, what is the point?

Yeah, I’m about to rant about something that I’m not even involved in!

Maybe I’m a bit off, but when I read blogs I begin to consider the people “someone I know”.  Once I start commenting and get a reply back, even more so.  I even call them friends.
Hubby calls them “invisible friends”.
Sometimes I’ll say “net-friend”.

I do realize that blog-friends are not the same as, say, Goober, who I have “known-known” for 15 years or so.  However, the initial get to know & build trust with a blog-friend is so much different than with 3D friends. You walk right into who they are inside (most of the time) when you “meet” through blogs.

One of these blog-mates recently had a commenter that just, well, when I read the comment I said “Ouch!”  I mean, it was hurtful and off base.  Maybe it is the tone that I “heard” as I read the comment.  If it was, though, I am not the only reader who heard that “tone”.

What is the point?  Why rip apart a blogger? It is your choice to read or not read.  If you disagree and are willing to do so in an manner that is not belittling, fine.  If you have constructive criticism and know how to deliver it, then ok, I guess.  If you want to rebuke a blogger, then do it as yourself without sarcasm.

Or is this just me?  Am I way off base?

If you don’t like what someone writes, blogs, tweets, plurks, comments, whatever… If you think they are wasting their time… What about you? Why spend your time hurting others online?  What is the point?

Okay, Rant Over.
I still don’t get it, but rant over.
In case you were wondering, I have said a prayer for the person who left the message that I would term “bitter”.

By the way, this question applies to spammers too.
What’s the point?



What do you do when you see a comment that is uncalled for on a friend’s blog?
Do you rip them apart?
Do you pray for them?
Perhaps you leave a reply comment defending the friend?

Have you ever left a comment that was taken differently than you meant it?

Busy Busy January 24, 2009

Posted by L in General, Life.
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I signed up for a class that was being offered through a church I attend.  There were not a lot of details, but I was looking forward to it.  I was excited and knew I needed to be there before I even knew what the class was about.   I mean, I knew the name, that it is about 12 months and it’s some sort of discipleship. That is about all I knew.  I wanted more details.

I signed up for the class as dates and times were given.
Once a month, 12 months.  I can handle that; that doesn’t seem like much.

I took the first class via the net (I know! Cool, right?) and had a crash course in “HELLO!”  What I mean by that is this: The class is college/seminary level.  It is not quite a Bible study or Sunday school class. It’s seriously deep and I am still way excited!


I was not really prepared for this type of commitment this week. Maybe I just slacked.  Ok, it was a bit of both.  My connection started breaking up half way through the class, so I waited for a replay to be set up on the class site. (Still not up from what I see)  My desk is, well, there is no place for books, notebooks and study.  I needed ink for my printer as the old cartridge did not even print out a dot.  I also had much to do this week.

Granted, much of the “much to do” could have been done weeks before hand, but they weren’t.  I didn’t know.  I didn’t understand that this class was a “real class”. You know, with studying, memorizing, thinking, reading, writing.  I don’t know what I thought, but 2 chapters and exams in the first week was just not what I was expecting.

So, here I am, with only a couple of days left of the “7 days to do it in”.  I finally have all I need and I crammed Chapter 1 in while Son was bowling.  I still don’t even have the first verse memorize.  I just took the “self – test” at the end of the chapter and missed about 1/2 of it.  And it’s not even the hard stuff yet.

I can tell you what the Bible says, but not where it’s found.  I also tend to paraphrase a bit.  I read from several different versions, so it’s not a paraphrase so much as a mix of translations. Okay, yeah, there are times I totally use my own paraphrase.  But still…

This is a challenge, but I know I can do it.  I’m not giving up, and I’m not stressing as much as it may sound. I’m just… verbally purging.  Maybe a wee bit anxious.  I guess if I blow it this week, it just means I have to work harder next week. Right?

Although, blowing it the first week might not look so good.
No matter how much I whine that I just didn’t realize…

Okay, enough babbling here.  I have to study and hit that exam.  I have not even touched chapter 2 yet.

Wow. It’s been a long time since I have said anything like that…

Observations January 22, 2009

Posted by L in General, Life, Random.
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Some observations I made today:

*Running water to wash the dishes is like a switch on your bladder.  Almost every time a bathroom trip is needed before the sink is full.

*The area around the trash can is the dirtiest spot in the whole house.  Why? The trash can is right there! The floor should not have paper, unpopped kernels, and various bits of garbage!

*Cleaning one room makes the room next to it messy. “This doesn’t go in here. Oh, I’ll just set it on the table/couch/bed for now…”

*If I vacuum a big spider before I identify it (thus making me unsure if it’s poisonous or not) OR if I vacuum a brown recluse off of the ceiling, I will let the vacuum run for a long time afterwards to make sure that thing is not clinging to the side of the hose.

*If I vacuum enough spider webs, everything feels like a spider for several minutes afterwards.  My hair, the wind, a string… every-thing!

*Just as soon as you say “I’m almost done”, you remember some place you missed cleaning.  For example, if you say the kitchen is almost done, you’ll remember the top of the fridge…

*Noticeably cleaning causes my daughter to smile.  She likes to rearrange, and apparently likes when others do too…

*Teen age boys don’t notice changes until after they’ve eaten.



What observation did you make today?

Kitchen, Sleep and Coffee January 22, 2009

Posted by L in Friends, General, Life, Random.
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I am looking for some good cleaning music and getting ready to tackle the kitchen (again).  For those of you that asked, no I didn’t get it done. There. I confessed… and sighed with regret.  Now I have more to do today than I would have if I just stopped messing with music and Twitter. Yeah, Twitter. I went there.

On a lighter note, if all goes as planned, I will get to see my man in just a few days.  Yay!  It’s kind of fight at night though.  I mean, I miss him when trying to fall asleep.  But when I wake up over night, I don’t miss the snoring.  See what I mean? A night time fight.

I went to … are you ready for this… a coffee house! That’s right. Me.  I went to a little cafe that smelled like coffee and charges a whole-lotta money for a cup of coffee. Oh sure, it’s flavored and has fancy names that you need 3 years of coffee-bar-tending school to understand, but it all smells the same to me.  I went to meet and visit with “the ladies”.  I had a smoothie – no coffee, espresso, late or any other fancy named liquid caffeine. It was probably high in the sugar department.  She used some strawberry syrup to made the drink.  It was tasty.  The conversation was pleasant.  Time went by rather fast, so it must have been enjoyable. You know “time flies when you are having fun”.

I think I will go back next week.  Who knows, maybe I’ll even learn to tollerate the smell of coffee better.  That is smell & tolerate NOT taste & enjoy. Just sayin’

Random Ramblings January 19, 2009

Posted by L in Life, Random.
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I’m over they whiny stage and I survived another weekend.  Life is good.

Church service was good.  That’s pretty much a given though.

I’m becoming more and more involved with Twitter.  One of my friends joined Plurk.  Now, what to do?!?  Do  I really need another place to say “MMmm, bacon!” ?!?

My feet were well enough to go walking today.  My legs however, they did not do so well.  I turned my music up to drown out their complaining.  My body hates me. I tell it eventually it will thank me, but I’m pretty sure it said it would make my life miserable first.  Hmm…

Wait, did I just say – on the internet – that my body talks to me?  And I talk back?  Ummm….

Have I mentioned that I was asked if I would be interested in being part of a team for the iCampus?  How cool is that?  I was quite excited.  Last week, we (the “team”) were asked to email some ideas.  I sent off a few.  I have no idea if it is anything even close to what they were looking for, but I am quite interested to hear what changes are going to take place.

I am stalling. Today the plan was is to “do” the kitchen.  That’s right, the kitchen.  As in, empty shelves and get rid of stuff I don’t remember buying.  Toss out cups that haven’t been used by anyone, ever.  Figure out where to put things that are cluttering my counter.  Yup, that is “doing” the kitchen.
If I have time when I’m done, I think I’ll do the list.

Which reminds me, if you really want to know what I’m eating or if I worked out, I opened the other blog to the public as well put a link here.  I know, you’re thrilled, right?  You don’t have to answer that.

Alrighty then, I guess it’s time to turn up my music and go a few rounds with the kitchen.  If you don’t see me for weeks, I’m probably buried under the can goods.

Whiny Complaints January 16, 2009

Posted by L in Random.
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(Warning: The following is typed in a slightly whiny voice. You may want to skip this post.  Just sayin’.  You’ve been warned.)

My head hurts.
I need to eat lunch.
I don’t feel like cooking.
I don’t wanna do the dishes.
I’m cold.
It’s freezing outside.
My foot hurts.
It’s too cold to go to the gym.
Besides, my foot hurts.
So does my head.
I’m hungry.
There were no good books at the library.
I am not hard to please today!  Take that back.
I’m tired.
I want to do my 20 minutes today, but I don’t know what to do.
The dog is annoying me.
The water tastes funny.
I don’t want to do the laundry.
Gray hair is a crown of splendor (Prov 16:31), but I wanna cover my crown.
The weekend is almost here but I still can’t sleep in.

(Okay. I’m done. …… No, wait… )

My hands are dry.
I don’t like dry skin.

(Hey, I warned you it was whiny post)

Cautious or Paranoid January 15, 2009

Posted by L in Bloggers, Family, Friends, General, Life.
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I’ve been thinking (which might explain my headaches).  Many of the people on blogs – and twitter, facebook, myspace, Vimeo, etc – are not overly cautious.  I mean, they share pictures, movies, names, and locations.  They make themselves easy to find.  They are very open about themselves.

I use “net-names”.  I am fairly vague about where I live.  On this blog I post no family photos.  On the family blog, I have the pictures altered so that you can’t really see faces.  I’m very open about myself here, but still careful to not let (most) others know exactly who I am.

I have a loosened up a bit. I actually entered a contest – and won.  That meant I had to give my address to have something mailed to me.   I also participated in a swap/barter.  Again, that meant exchanging addresses.  There is no way I would have done this even a year ago.

Am I paranoid?  Are most people just not cautious enough?

One family that I know (okay, I read their blog so I feel like I know them, but don’t actually know them know them) opens their home up to many of their readers.  Wow!  At first I thought they were just crazy living on the edge.  Then I thought about this:  I almost went to meet a group of net friends recently.  I also may have one of my net-friends coming to my area for a visit this year.  But, that’s different.  I mean, we talk on the phone! …… Okay, so it’s the same thing.  Or is it?

If I were to send a message to the “open-house-family” saying I would be in their area, would they offer their home to me?

I heard a message recently (as in last night) and thought about them.
This isn’t my study blog so I won’t go deep into this, but part of the Scripture read was Matt 25:35
“for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in;”

( NKJV )

At the same time though, we do have common sense.  Where is the line?  When do you offer to let someone come into your home?  At what point will you be willing to stay at someone else’s home?  Where is the line between caution and faith?  When is it common sense and when is it paranoia?

Just because someone is open about their life and family does mean they should open their home.  Where is the line of caution when it comes to showing and telling things online?

So many young people put so much out there that not only put them in danger now, but could effect them in ways they can’t comprehend now.  And so many proud parents share so much about their lives and location, it scares me for them.

Am I just overly cautious?  Is everyone else too open?  Am I paranoid without realizing it?  Or am I just using common sense?  Internet safety?

Hmm. Something to think about…



Where do you stand on this issue?  And why?

Soon. January 14, 2009

Posted by L in Bloggers, Family, Friends, Life, Personal.
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It is almost time.
It is almost time to take the next step.
It is almost time to open one of the accountability blogs.
It is almost time to make public my triumphs and my failures.
It is almost time to let you know what in the world I am going on about now.

Yesterday I made a commitment.
Yesterday I made a commitment and then began to fret.
Yesterday I made a commitment that just backed up one I made to myself.
Yesterday I made a choice to follow through.
Yesterday I made a click that added more (positive) pressure to my goal.
Yesterday I committed to what was probably just an email mass mailing list.
…but what if it’s not.

A commitment is a commitment.

What am I going on about?
My health.  Some choices I made but have been inconsistent in with and without good reason… to a point.
No more excuses.  This is not a resolution.  This is not a promise.  This is… more.

I’m not real good with keeping with things.  I am a good starter.  I can finish up for others.  I am not good at doing from beginning to end without accountability.  I need accountability in certain areas.

I had set up two other blogs for that.

One for spiritual accountability.  I stop writing in that one when summer rolled around due to lack of morning quiet time at the computer.  I did not start back up once school was back in session.

The other for health.  I have issues.  Ben & Jerry’s.  Chips & Salsa.  A backside that is the shape of my desk chair.  Being almost 3 times the woman I once was.   Ouch. That hurt to confess.  I miss the old me.  The one that had energy to go to the lake or park.  The one who could buy clothes in the single digits.  It’s an area I must be very careful with though.  I need the accountability there.  I have issues that go beyond the “normal willpower/emotional eating”.  I have issues that go beyond being lazy.  But it is time. It is past time. It is way past time.

Soon, the body blog will be opened back up to the public.  It is more for myself.  To keep track of movement.  Share recipes – I often forget what I did “the last time I made this”.  And maybe to post what I ate.  I’m not sure on that one.  I don’t know if I will just keep a notebook or post.  It is the hardest blog I write in.  Because of my vanity.  Because of what I was and what I am now.  Because of who I was and what I’ve physically and materialistically become.

If you are interested in holding me accountable, or wanting to be held accountable, or if you are looking for a place to keep track of these things too but don’t want to join the many website communities out there that do that… let me know.  Maybe you can join me over there… once I open it back up to the public.

The same goes for the other blog too.  If you are wanting to hold me accountable, or looking to be held accountable in either way, let me know.  We can do it through my other blogs or through twitter… or both.




Do you have something that is “soon”?
When does soon start for you?

Actually Awake January 12, 2009

Posted by L in General, Life.
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It’s only 9 a.m. and I have actually done more than take the children to school and take up space.  If you know me, then you’re probably notifying newspaper of this right now…

What makes this even more amazing is that I woke up with an upset stomach.  You’d think I’d have come home and went back to bed. Actually, I think that was my plan.  So much for plans, huh?

It is good though.  Well, maybe not “good” (only God is good) but you know what I mean…

I’ve read my Bible.  I have been to blogs, email, flickr, twitter, and a followed a couple of news links.  I have, are you ready for this, THOUGHT this morning!  I came up with a few idea and even wrote them down!!
And now, I’m blogging.

I think I’ll turn on some music, get out of this chair pretty soon, and vacuum the living room.  If my stomach doesn’t get worse moving around then this might continue to be a productive day.
If not, then I’ll probably either nap or go be productive in a virtual world.

What about you?
How’s your day going so far?

Late Night Rambling January 10, 2009

Posted by L in Family, General, Random.
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Ok, so here I am. I’m up way too late again.
Wait. I just called 10:45 PM late.  WHAT?!

The children talked me into a “junk night” tonight.  Alright, so they timed it well. I was hungry.  I gave in.  Then I burned my eye – jalapeño oil on skin + something in eye.  Then I ate too much.  All in all, a typical junk night here.

I still have not even started my new menu.  I mean, I have the some basics ideas, but not really ALL the details.  And nothing written out.  And I told myself I’d put it into effect next week.  Yikes!

I am looking forward to going to service tomorrow.  Week 2 of the new series.  I love that I look forward to going, even if I do long for just one day to sleep in.

I saw my mother tonight.  She told me a bit about the drama that the some of the relatives are involved in. She showed a photo to me that is quite odd.  We visited for a brief moment with an Auntie.  It was all-in-all not a bad visit.

Hung out with the children during “junk night” and watched a movie.  Then Son wanted to go to bed. I hope he does not get ill tonight.  Daughter wanted to watch another a movie.

I’m rambling.  Again.
And yawning.
But I didn’t want to go several days without blogging again and I don’t know if I’ll get around to it tomorrow.

I’m distracted by daughter’s last movie of the night.  It is almost over. So, I’ll end my rambling and say good night.
Good night.